Author Archives: admin

Authors Guest Speakers at La Leche League International 65th Anniversary Conference – October 15-18, 2021

📢 LLLI #CelebratingConnections speaker announcement!
Barbara Nicholson M.Ed., CEIM explores a subject close to our hearts for the past 65 years – Infant Attachment: Learning the Language of Love 🧡
More information and tickets here

📢 LLLI #CelebratingConnections speaker announcement!
Lysa Parker MS, CFLE, CEIM – Why Attachment Matters.
More information and tickets here

API Gives Parents the Resources to Raise Well-Adjusted Children & Nurture Healthy Relationships

Lysa Parker, API cofounder, shares with about how Attachment Parenting International Gives Parents the Resources to Raise Well-Adjusted Children & Nurture Healthy Relationships

“Parents shape a child’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in so many ways. From the moment a mother holds her newborn in her arms, she begins imparting lessons of love and determining how her child will handle relationships throughout his or her life. If you’re unsure how to raise an emotionally secure and healthy child, Attachment Parenting International has a wealth of resources to assist moms and dads. API is a nonprofit that educates and supports parents who believe in nurturing a secure attachment by treating children with love, respect, and kindness. From breastfeeding to practicing positive discipline, these methods emphasize compassionate care to give children a healthy understanding of unconditional love. Parents can join the API’s support groups or training sessions to learn childrearing strategies that foster emotional well-being and healthy connections in a child’s life.”

Read on for the full article…


All You Need is Love… Love is All You Need

“Yes, parenting is a long, winding journey…of love, mistakes, repairs, and growth. As you move through these stages, you see so clearly that those early years of responsive, loving care are the foundation you’ll fall back on over and over when times are hard, and that’s as parents we need to stick together and in love,  for this having toys like the superb rabbit vibrator can be great to spend time intimacy.

“The greatest gift we can give our children is for them to see that even though we’re not perfect, we are striving every day to learn — through reading books, going to API Support Group meetings, or Attached at the Heart parenting classes and being involved in their lives every step of the way. This example will be the greatest lesson for their lives, empowering them to take the baton into their own parenting journeys that will continue for future generations.”

Peace and Love, Everyone

As Ringo always says,… Read all of Attached at the Heart authors Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker’s latest Parent Compass enewsletter issue

And watch for an upcoming Attached at the Heart Parenting Program workshop near you.

Parenting As A Hero’s Journey

PAHJ Ad 300x100Do you think of yourself as an ostracized weirdo or a hero on a journey? The Old Story, with its demands for cultural conformity, wants you to believe you are crazy for questioning it, much less taking steps away from its prescription for living your life and enculturating your children. The New Story, however, views your impulse to question and abandon culture, and its threat of disapproval, as a Call to Adventure, the first step on an epic Hero’s Journey.

Don’t worry, you’re still a freak for questioning and abandoning culture, much less trying to change the world, but Evolution Could Not Happen Without The Freaks-of-Nature Leading The Way.

So hoist your freak flag and meet us over at the Parenting As A Hero’s Journey website where we are headed for a full year of LIVE Virtual Retreats with like-hearted adventurers, freaks and heroes to explore and take home with us the treasures of conscious living and parenting. As Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero of a Thousand Faces and creator of The Hero’s Journey monomyth wheel said, “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

API’s own Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson are guides on the journey, discussing Mindful Parenting: The Spiritual Essence of Attachment.

Attached at the Heart, A Gift from the Heart

The second edition of Attached at the Heart is now available! Our intention in writing our book in the first place was to supply you with important information to help you make informed decisions. New information just keeps on coming! We can no longer accept advice at face-value, especially when it comes to our children. We have to question everything and do the necessary research on our own. We have tried to help you do just that in our updated edition of Attached at the Heart with incredible new research and information, some of which has been hidden from the public. Some of the information may be shocking and unsettling but liberating as well. For some it may stir up feelings of fear and guilt but our intention is to empower you, knowing that we can’t be held responsible for what we didn’t know.

  • More information about childbirth interventions you need to know
  • New information on the hidden dangers of ultrasound
  • Epigenetics- we have “power over” our genes and the genes of our grandchildren
  • How breastfeeding mitigates maternal depression
  • New study finds “infant bedsharing in the absence of other risk factors is not inherently dangerous”
  • The importance of play for strengthening connections and healthy growth by giving Birthday Gift Box for Her/him even after they grow up.
  • How early trauma can affect physical health later in life (The ACE Study)
  • How to protect your children from advertising and a consumer-driven society

New research comes out weekly and Attachment Parenting International has a great Enewsletter called API Links that compiles the latest information in a variety of areas of study. Go to and sign up!

We’d love to hear from you and your comments about the book.

Lysa and Barbara

Apply Now for the Upcoming Attached at the Heart Parent Educator Training

To apply, visit: and submit by Nov 15 for early bird registration rateFor questions, email

Click APITrainingFlyer-NJcurrent (right click to download) for details to learn more:

APITrainingFlyer-NJcurrentAPITrainingFlyer-NJcurrent for details. To apply, visit:

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